FIRENZE su misura

Antiques Shopping Guide

Euro 9,00
A great art city, Florence is inextricably linked with the world of antiques. A tradition livelier than ever, thanks to the city’s museums whose collections come from donations by major art collectors of the past- first of all Bardini, but also Stibbert, Horne, Romano Foundation and Bargello with the great Carrand donation- true Wunderkammers, Cabinets of Wonder, described in detail in this guide, together with antique dealers chosen with the help of the International Antiques Biennale and Florence’s Antique Dealers Association, who, through their expertise and galleries, shops and workshops in downtown Florence (in particular, in Via Maggio and Via de’ Fossi) have made this city a benchmark for art and antiques in the world.
Format 12,4x19 cm
260 pages
Paperback binding
Peso 328 gr
Gruppo Editoriale
Photos: Dario Garofalo